Four friends, a million dreams
- Fecha 18 noviembre, 2024
This musical was performed at Caixaforum on Wednesday, November 13th. It lasted approximately one hour and there were no breaks. Several schools attended, and the
theater was almost full.
The story was about four friends who study drama, named Juana, Ramón, Marga, and
Chaby. They discovered an old abandoned theater. There, they found a lot of costumes
and objects that reminded them of various famous musicals and others that they had
created themselves. Some of the musical pieces we could identify included Cats, Evita,
Jesus Christ Superstar, The Phantom of the Opera (represented by the scene with the
two characters on the boat), Les Misérables, Red, and Mamma Mia! in the scene where
Donna and her friends are dancing in 70s outfits.

Throughout the entire show, the musical accompaniment was performed on the piano
by Chaby. The choreography, lights, costumes, and makeup were impressive and fit
each moment of the musical perfectly, we really enjoyed it. One of the most impressive
aspects of the performance was the actors' voices; it was incredible to see how they
sang each song from the different musicals so perfectly. In addition to this, with each
different musical interpretation, they performed a different choreography, staying
coordinated at all times.
In conclusion, we loved this musical because of all the references they included, along
with a humorous touch, as well as all the sets, lights, costumes, and the piano, which
brought the performance to life.
Laura Ordovás and Carlota Gadea