Colaboración La Salle Montemolín – La Salle Belén (Palestina)
Durante este curso 2019-2020, alumnos de 1º ESO de nuestro colegio están desarrollando un programa de colaboración con alumnos del Colegio La Salle de Belén. La primera fase ha sido la elaboración simultánea de unas presentaciones que han servido para que los alumnos de ambos colegios se hayan conocido y hayan compartido aspectos de su vida cotidiana y de su identidad común lasaliana.
Cooperation between La Salle Montemolín and La Salle Bethlehem (Palestine)During this school year 2019-2020 our students of 1st ESO are developing a cooperation program with their fellow students from La Salle Bethlehem. The first step has been to elaborate simultaneously some presentations by means of which students from both schools have got to know each other better and have shared some aspects of their everyday life and their common Lasalian identity.